Tuesday, July 13, 2010

At St. Aloysius, Nashua (NH)

Many things have happened during a weeklong stay at St. Aloysius, Nashua (4th to 11th July 2010). It was a week full of movements and new experiences. A day out with my new found friend Andrew Nelson and his parents to Portsmouth National Park, to the York Beach in the Atlantic, and to a grand Luncheon are all fun. A visit to Boston city was wonderful when it brings you fresh memories of your history classes on American History and the revolution and the Boston Tea Party, etc.

Fr. Daniel, the pastor is such a wonderful man. His care and concern were remarkable. When I arrived at the rectory the first thing he told me was that on the first day I would be treated as a guest, then on I will be treated as a member of the family. I felt so much at home hearing it and I actually experienced that in him and all his collaborators at the parish office. For instance, he makes sure that I try out different dishes to lunch or dinner – to a typical American restaurant or a Mexican or a Colombian. He makes sure that I was comfortable and at ease and I was. During the week I also participated in two funerals which were really impressive and moving. The weekend Eucharistic celebrations were beautiful and I was able to share some of our mission experiences. I was even surprised to realise that they were so interested in knowing our mission efforts and share our stories.

I am going to miss them all but I am also going to remember them for a long time to come. Yet the missionary must keep going and he goes.


Julian said...

Hi Issac,

Good to hear you are having a great time over there! I am sure as you move on, you are leaving behind interesting footprints and fond memories! Wishing you all the best, hope to see you "later than sooner"!

Just me,

Anonymous said...

What no mention or pictures of buster. :(

Jeeva said...

Hi Buddy,
Nice to hear that you are having wonderful (missionary experiences).
Have fun and enjoy your holidays. I am at home.