Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feragosto 2009

Feragosto is definitely a day of celebration if not for the Assumption of the Blessed Lady into heaven which at time is sidelined. In fact it is true. People closed up their houses and go off to mountains and beaches. The priest has to go there to find a congregation for the mass. I found myself right on top of Elcito, at the hem of Monte S. Vicino. It is such a beautiful little hived village, an ideal place for holidaying but not live here, so the inhabitants say. They no longer live here anymore except for the summer camping. Right at the tip of the cliff is the church of S. Rocco, cute and adorable. A priest rightly came on these days and celebrated the mass. I spent two days (15th and 16th) here with my parishioners so that I would not be left home alone blinking. Definitely it was an experience and worth the celebration. You can see that people wanting to be away from home and work for a day or two. So if you are working, you deserve a feragosto. (view picture of Elcito)

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