Monday, July 13, 2009

Another Day Can Be Different

Every single day you find your day moving and moving ahead of your expectations when you wait for nothing and wait for everything, a day at a time. A day out with my new found friends in the parish, Cesare Salvatori and Natalina Fattobene who would invariably come every morning to find out if everything is OK with me. It was their idea that we take a day off and off we left for Cascia, the holy place of Santa Rita and a site seeing to a beautiful Cascata Marmore water fall, one of the highest in Europe. We left in the morning at 8.00 am and returned back exactly a 8.00 pm in the evening. We spent considerable time at Cascia, a little but cute scenic and holy presence of the known saint of Cascia, St. Rita and the remains of the miraculous Eucharist at the lower part of the Basilica of St. Rita. Her native birth place Roccaporena, a few kms away is even more artistic with mountainous vista. We missed nothing along the way, visiting Cascata Marmore or the Santuario of Mercerata.
A day like this will keep you running.

1 comment:

HEHBRE said...

Great! Finalmente hai trovato Cascia!!! Now it's my turn to be there. Marmore Fall is still vivid in my mind. Three years ago I was there with some friends when we were in Terni. Did you see when they released the water? It's a kind of Articial Fall. Water come from the Lake Piediluco.EXPLORE ITALIA!!!