Thursday, December 16, 2010


Santa Claus comes, comes ever comes, steals into our houses at Christmas eve to leave gifts for the children and disappears. God bangs into our houses and leaves the Baby Jesus in our homes. He comes, comes ever comes in to stay. He won disappear like the Santa Claus. He shamelessly finds his home in our homes. That’s the difference between the two. So, what do you do with him, who comes to stay? Throw him out - tolerate him or celebrate him? This will be the theme of my reflections for this year’s Christmas. What do you think about it? What’s your take? Let us begin our Novena and think about it.
I bet you won’t throw him out - tolerating is indifference, its worse. I guess you will find a good room for HIM – the first time he found Himself in a manger. I do not think he enjoyed it.

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