Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Youngest Pal On Line

Miryam is my youngest online pal. We regularly video chat or discuss over the phone about our school day activities. She is in the scuola materna. She sometimes asks me to sing to her some of my rhymes. She always shows off hers. Today she is two years old. BUON COMPLEANO MIMI.
I will be forwarding this video clip and discuss about it later in the evening. Where is technology taking us anyway?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Every day is my Birthday

This is how I look at my birthdays. One time you have a life size cake celebration and the next one may be just you, a table and a chair to accompany you. But at the end of the day you have a good laugh to see them both. I know my mum cares least about my birth date. For her every day is my Birthday.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome back to the final year of your school

I am sorry to begin with a negative remark but what is actually wrong with academia? I asked a number of kids in a parish in the United States as they began their academic year if they were eager to get back to school and every single kid shook their heads in negative. Back in Italy it was just round the school reopening season and I shot the same question to kids around only to have the same negative nod. And now it’s back to myself and companions in the college and university. Believe me, of the 190 student priests in Collegio san Paolo who have promptly responded to the pursuit of academic excellence and yet I must confess the majority are refusing enthusiasm of going to school. Isn’t it funny? Wishing to and not wanting to.
Anyway, I must welcome back myself to where I must be and hang a reminder tag: ‘Il partente,' that’s an indication you are in your last year at Collegio San Paolo.