Alung - my sister, Let this little picture I photographed on 6th January 2007 be our point of connection and consolation. I left a copy for you before I took leave of you. I am sure you took a good look of it yourself before you took leave of us. I heard you passed off peacefully. That doesn’t lessen my grief though. I wrote to you sometime last year and you were grateful to me. The last time I spoke to you over the phone, I sense you were anxious about something and… I promise I shall keep it. Forgive me for not been there to lay you to rest. But I promise you will be my first host on my return home. I will be there on my knees at the Church’s grave yard before your tomb’s stone – I promise. Tonight I offer your soul to the Lord (with veryheavy hearts though) in the offering of His body and blood at the Eucharistic table. I did it for you, all alone. Now, go in peace my sister.
You my friends, whisper a prayer for her as you listen to this music.
My Condolence to you Isaac and to the family.Eternal rest grant unto her, o Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in Peace. Amen
Dear Issac,
Be assured of my prayers for your cousin Alungphy.
One in prayer,
Dear buddy,
My heartfelt condolence to u. Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.May your memories give you strength.
Il giusto, anche se muore prematuramente, troverà riposo. Vecchiaia veneranda non è la longevità, né si calcola dal numero degli anni, ma la canizie per gli uomini sta nella sapienza. Vera longevità è una vita senza macchia. Divebuta cara a Dio, fu amata da Lui, e poiché viveva fra peccatori, fu trasferita, fu rapita perché la malizia non ne mutasse i sentimenti o l'inganno non ne traviasse l'anima, poiché il fascino del vizio deturpa anche il bene e il turbine della passione travolge una mente semplice. Giunta in breve alla perfezione, compiuta una lunga carriera, la sua anima fu gradita al Signore, perciò egli la tolse da un ambiente malvagio.
my condolences on your cousin's passing away. keeping her and of of you there in my prayers!
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