There is a need for a Personal Program. “It should not be enough to slide through Lent by just observing the fast and abstinence laws. We should all undertake a Lenten program, an inward cleansing and purification, for oneself and the family. The program needs to be planned and organized. Ask the question: What shall I and my family do this year for Lent? Goals and activities should be realistic and reasonable”.
I came across this piece of reflection from the catholic culture, a site I frequent. This thought provoked me to once again ask for basic fundamentals to my beliefs and practices. One thought in particular keep nagging me; why we no longer value Lenten observances like fasting and mortification, prayers, almsgiving, self-denial or even good works, a practice exalted by the Church from the very early times? The point is if it was a virtue, how did/could it become a vice? Is it merely a question of being outdated? I do not think so. I would rather consider and strongly believe is the self-selfishness. We care less about others now than before, that’s the only difference I can gather from my reflection. The rest...
I came across this piece of reflection from the catholic culture, a site I frequent. This thought provoked me to once again ask for basic fundamentals to my beliefs and practices. One thought in particular keep nagging me; why we no longer value Lenten observances like fasting and mortification, prayers, almsgiving, self-denial or even good works, a practice exalted by the Church from the very early times? The point is if it was a virtue, how did/could it become a vice? Is it merely a question of being outdated? I do not think so. I would rather consider and strongly believe is the self-selfishness. We care less about others now than before, that’s the only difference I can gather from my reflection. The rest...
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